Your iPhone probably is loaded with hundreds or thousands of photos and screenshots that you've snapped over the years. From a business perspective, you might have photos and screen captures that you've taken for your organization, possibly for record keeping, inventory, documentation, or promotional or marketing purposes.

Though iOS tries to organize your photos based on date and other criteria, yous're notwithstanding faced with a huge assortment of images that you have to browse to find the ones you want. In that location has to be a better mode. There is, through albums. Y'all tin organize your photos and screenshots into specific albums based on event, engagement, or other criteria. When you lot want to find a specific photo, simply look for information technology in its album.

SEE: iPhone 11: A cheat sheet (free PDF) (TechRepublic)

To get started, open the Photos app on your iPhone. Tap the Albums icon on the bottom toolbar. At the Albums screen, tap the + icon in the upper-left corner. Tap the option for New Album (Figure A).

Figure A

Blazon the name you wish to give this anthology and then tap Salve. At the next screen, tap each photo you desire to add together to the album. To speedily select a range of contiguous photos, swipe your finger across the entire row and and so swipe down through each row of photos. Notice that a checkmark appears on each photo you've swiped. When finished, tap Done. Your new album then appears in the My Albums screen (Effigy B).

Figure B

Continue this fashion until you've created albums for the photos y'all wish to organize. You lot tin so view them all in the My Albums screen.

Next, you can rename an album, delete an album, and add or remove photos in an album. At the My Albums screen, tap the Run across All link. At the side by side screen, tap the Edit link in the upper-right. To change the name of an album, tap your finger in the existing proper name (Figure C). Revise it with the new name.

Figure C

To delete an album, tap the minus symbol in the upper-left of the thumbnail. Ostend past tapping the command to Delete Anthology. When finished, tap Done (Figure D).

Effigy D

Next, maybe you desire to remove ane or more than photos from an existing anthology. At the My Albums screen, tap the album y'all desire to access. At the adjacent screen, tap the Select link in the upper-right. Then select the photo or photos you want to remove. Tap the trash can icon at the lower correct. So confirm the message to remove them from the album (Figure East).

Figure E

Adjacent, yous tin add photos to an existing album. Tap the Photos icon at the bottom toolbar to go into Photos view. Swipe up or down the screen to find the photos you desire. Tap Select and so select the ones y'all wish to add. Tap the Share icon in the lower-left. Swipe down the Share screen and tap the selection to Add together To Album. At the Add To Album screen, tap the album to which you want to add the selected photos. Go to Albums and select this anthology, and the new photos are added to information technology (Figure F).

Figure F

Side by side, you lot tin view an album as a slideshow. At the Album screen, tap the album y'all wish to view. At the next screen, tap the field that displays the name and appointment of the album. Then tap the Play button to play the anthology equally a slideshow with music. To stop the slideshow, tap the screen and select the Pause button. And so tap the left arrow to become back to the previous screen (Figure G).

Figure K

Finally, you can share an album. At the same screen where yous accessed the album as a slideshow, tap the ellipsis icon in the upper-right. Tap the option for Share Photos. At the Share screen, select the app, service, or person with which you desire to share the album (Figure H).

Figure H